ack in 2020, Roadster Shop began the R&D process of developing their Legend Series chassis. Using a ’73 C/K10 as a vehicular guinea pig, they constructed a 2×6 “laser rail” frame using—get this—late-model (’17) Chevy Silverado suspension and brakes, with the ultimate goal of creating—as they put it—their “most complete, full rolling chassis with modern comfort for classic trucks with the durability and serviceability of modern OEM (GM) components.”

Proof in the pudding: The Orange Blossom Special, Roadster Shop’s Legend Series Serial No. 1 production chassis with a gorgeous as-was Burnt Orange ’73 K-Series proudly perched atop. Complete with additional accessories, such as Dakota Digital’s RTX Series retrofit gauges, Vintage Air, and an ididit/Squarebody Syndicate steering column surrounded by various 3-D–printed custom interior panels, this “OBS” (short for the nickname, NOT the body style!) is the prime example of what door Roadster Shop has opened for the future of the classic truck hobby!