Still Hammerin’

he calendar says it’s October 25, 2022 … but the cover of this here magazine says it’s January 2023, which marks our 2 1/2-year anniversary, among other things! So, along with a Happy New Year to you all, happy anniversary to us!
It’s been a crazy roller-coaster ride for us at In The Garage Media since we launched Classic Truck Performance, Modern Rodding, and All Chevy Performance back in 2020—especially considering the first two titles were initially published at the onset of the pandemic! But not only have we survived, we’ve done better than any of us had ever anticipated from those early breakfast meetings strategizing our game plan for total enthusiast media world domination. We still have a long way to go, but with all of you on board for this great ride we’re going to do everything we can to keep riding this print wave while still maintaining and developing our avant-garde digital platforms.
So, just what can you expect from me/us at CTP for 2023? Well, simply put, more of the same, but better. As far as the tech content goes, we’ve not only got plenty more in-depth how-tos in the works with a handful of in-house project trucks currently in progress (including my ’69 C10 and ’48 Chevy), but we’re in the process of putting together a 100 percent aftermarket build—yep, new everything, from the chassis to each and every piece of sheetmetal and every nut and bolt between. We don’t know what, who, or where quite yet, but as soon as we’ve ironed out all the details, well, you’ll be the second to know!
Knowing how anti-EV I am, I’m not completely narrow-minded, and as such, there may be some electric-powered truck content in CTP’s 2023 future—for sure we’ll have a very interesting piece on what is, to the best of my knowledge, the first ever hydrogen-powered Advance Design truck built to date. But you know you can count on plenty more internal combustion tech as long as I have anything to say about it!
Event-wise, 2022 showed us what the premier classic truck shows are from coast to coast, so we’ll definitely keep our focus centered on those—with some getting even more focus this coming year. Something we’d like to see more of, however, is actual driving to and from, and whether that comes from club participation or individual caravans, we want to see your trucks driven (yes, that’s an invitation to submit!).
As I’m writing this month’s editorial, I’m also preparing for one of the biggest “events” for both the aftermarket and the media alike: the SEMA Show. This year’s show ought to have some rather interesting results, but I’ll hold my breath until after all’s said and done. Let’s just say I’m anticipating it helps properly set the stage for how this great hobby of ours will play out in the future, which is something that affects each and every one of us. Till then, thank you again for your continued support. We couldn’t do it without you!