BY Rob FortierPHOTOGRAPHY BY John Jackson
here’s no such thing as “just a truck.” No matter how ugly or how utilitarian, each and every classic truck ever produced has its own charm, whether that’s an actual physical beauty or some sort of sentimental value—even the good old International Harvesters!

BY Rob FortierPHOTOGRAPHY BY John Jackson
here’s no such thing as “just a truck.” No matter how ugly or how utilitarian, each and every classic truck ever produced has its own charm, whether that’s an actual physical beauty or some sort of sentimental value—even the good old International Harvesters!

Owned by Dave and Cindy Gutelius, the truck went under the Korek knife originally due to the fact that their daughters were “embarrassed to ride to school in it before its makeover because it was a ratty farm truck with doors that would come open when you would hit bumps!” Now, it’s likely there isn’t a single vehicle in the entire school parking lot they’d rather ride in! Gone are the original inline-six and three-on-the-tree, rudimentary chassis, and of course those errant door latches—now, the I-H is as nimble handling, quick performing, and pleasant to drive in as a brand-new luxury car!

Owned by Dave and Cindy Gutelius, the truck went under the Korek knife originally due to the fact that their daughters were “embarrassed to ride to school in it before its makeover because it was a ratty farm truck with doors that would come open when you would hit bumps!” Now, it’s likely there isn’t a single vehicle in the entire school parking lot they’d rather ride in! Gone are the original inline-six and three-on-the-tree, rudimentary chassis, and of course those errant door latches—now, the I-H is as nimble handling, quick performing, and pleasant to drive in as a brand-new luxury car!

Suffice it to say, while the International may not be taking to those bumps in the road quite the way it used to, at the very least, the Gutelius girls definitely won’t be having to worry about the doors flying open like they used to!